Lidt reklame fra min sponsor. I årevis har Loréal Research arbejdet målrettet for at kunne introducere en permanent hårfarveserie uden ammoniak. Med INOA bliver drømmen til virkelighed. Skån dit hår brug hårfarve uden ammoniak.
The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. From glacial periods (or "ice ages") where ice covered significant portions of the Earth to interglacial periods where ice retreated to the poles or melted entirely - the climate has continuously changed. Scientists have been able to piece together a picture of the Earth's climate dating back decades to millions of years ago by analyzing a number of surrogate, or "proxy" measures of climate such as ice cores, boreholes, tree rings, glacier lengths, pollen remains, and ocean sediments, and by studying changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun. This page contains information about the causes of climate change throughout the Earth's history, the rates at which the climate has changed, as well as information about climate change during the past. We will try to look into coming ages and ask questions to the necessity of trying to avoid what is coming.