Prior to the Industrial Era, the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age had defined the upper and lower boundaries of the climate's recent natural variability and are a reflection of changes in climate drivers (the sun's variability and volcanic activity) and the climate's internal variability (referring to random changes in the circulation of the atmosphere and oceans).
Håndværker - colic-help - skateboard - leroy - greatful stupidity
lørdag den 1. marts 2008
Dansen er Pernille Fischer Christensen´s nyeste værk. En film om dans, men mest om et spændingsfyldt forhold mellem danselærerinden Annika (Trine Dyrholm) og elektrikeren Lasse (Anders W. Berthelsen). De mødes og alt starter naturligvis godt, men da Annika trevler op i Lasses fortid, begynder lavinen at rulle... Let's Dance - David Bowies Berømte nummer er i en nyfortolket version filmens "soundtrack"..

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